Custom's Picks: Mashima's HERO'S

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This is the crossover manga featuring characters from Rave Master, Fairy Tail, and Edens Zero. It's about the Fairy Tail guild on an vacation when Natsu sniffed out an delightful fruit then encountered Shiki and Rebecca who were looking for the same fruit. After a fight between Shiki and Natsu, they quickly became friends after they realized they were more of the same fruit thanks to Rebecca. Meanwhile, Haru and his friends arrived elsewhere on the island, looking for "Oasis" so they can destroy beliving it is an Dark Being. Little did they know, that Shinra/Genesis, Mashymre's disciple and a self-made Sieghart clone has fell under the corruption of the "Oasis" Dark Bring, which lets him achieve his dream of being the most powerful man in the world and it's up to the teamwork on Haru, Natsu and Shiki to stop him.

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