Butterfly Life Cycle Snack Time Fun

"Can you arrange the life-cycle of the butterfly in order? "

This is another trip down memory lane.  Long before I started my baking adventures, I was having fun by playing with my kids' food. Sometimes it's purely for entertainment, sometimes it's for educational purposes. My "food art" was by no means anywhere near professional standards but it was good fun :).

 I had inspiration one day to have some fun with biscuits, fruits and cheese, my kids' staple for snack. I didn't have a big hoard of cookie cutters back then so all I used as tools were tooth pick, straws and butter knife.

See if you can arrange the squares in order ;). My elder kid was still in kindergarten then and learned about the butterfly life cycle in school so this was a particularly fun snack.

You may wish to try this with your kids too :).

Bits of food used:
4 plain crackers
Some pizza Pocky sticks
A slice of mozzarella cheese
A grape or two
A bit of avocado
A bit of strawberry
Some pomegranate seeds
Teeny bit of seaweed strip

All the above and add a dash of imagination, and you have a fun and educational snack for kids! Feel free to use whatever you have at home to adapt this idea.

With love,
Phay Shing

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