Rainbow Choux Pastry Roses

I had some leftover Choux pastry from my previous Choo-choo train bake and I decided to have fun with the filling. Here's my simple and colorful Choux pastry roses, all colored with natural ingredients!

It's a pity I didn't have orange sweet potato or pumpkin at the moment to make an orange colored rose, and the hot pink sweet potato turned a little more purple after mixing in with the pastry cream. But it's still a delectable plate of pastry with all the variety of flavors.

Refer to my previous post for the recipe for Choux pastry and pastry cream. For the roses, simply drop heaped teaspoonfuls of batter onto the baking sheet and bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes followed by 220 degrees Celsius for another 10-15 minutes. Pierce the sides of the puffs to release the steam when cooling on cooling rack.

To assemble the roses, carefully cut about one quarter of the top off and fill with filling. Cut the top into a spiral shape carefully with kitchen scissors and place it on top of the filling.

My platter has the following flavors:
Pale yellow: plain pastry cream
Bright yellow: pastry cream with lemon zest
Pinkish purple: purple sweet potato puree with lemon juice and pastry cream
Dark purple: purple sweet potato puree with a bit of pastry cream
Green: pastry cream with Matcha powder beaten in
Brown: pastry cream with cocoa powder beaten in (you may want to add more cocoa than I did for a darker brown shade and richer chocolate flavor. My family does not consume much chocolate.)
Black: pastry cream with black sesame paste beaten in.

I didn't measure the amount of flavorings added as I was doing this in a hurry (again!). Just add according to your taste :).

I almost forgot to take photo again! Yums!

With love,
Phay Shing

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